Wednesday 7 November 2012

10. Guru Maniyo Granth

Who are Sikh Gurus?
What is the Granth?

Jesus had 12 disciples, of whom One was his wife Mary
Judas is Man Mohan Singh ANTICHRIST

Mary and other 10 are the Sikh Mother and Guru
In certain mysterious ways of Allah

Jesus had told Simon Peter to look after his sheep
While he is going up - and e said this thrice

Guru Nanaka is That Simon Peter
Of the disciples of Jesus 6 became Martyr

Among Sikhs - one of those 6 is Guru Nanaka
Other 5 volunteered to lay their life 
On call of the Guru
Like Jesus laid his life

This is based on doctrine that Gurus can not
Come from no where
They have to have a glorious past

YET another Truth is that
Higher bodies of the disciples of Jesus were not made Sikh Gurus
Lower bodies were made
Because higher bodies move ahead towards God
While lower try to catch up

One more Truth is that
The Sikhs in India are those whom
Nanaka said to stay in the village
They are degenerate
And linked to UPA and NDA Both of who are enemies of God

To others Nanaka said to disperse
These Sikhs are abroad

This is worthy of note
That Rev Book Church Ephesus
Means a-z Sikhs
And Mary Magdalene had established this Church
And she was revealed the Revelation Book

The Sikhs chose Granth
From those who were same 12 gurus or their parts
Including Kabeer and others
Which is quite OK

BUT real meaning of Granth
Is This Gospel
And Book of John and 1 John by Mother Guru
And Revelation Book

In body the SOUL can not tune up with leads of God
( Dehe Chagyana Sambhava - Guru Gita)
So this is near best Sikhs have come

I do not seek anything from Sikhs
They are similar to UPA and NDA
Besides Jesus said that
I may not be honored in my house and city (nation)

BUT I have asked
Simon Peter - the Higher Body of Guru Nanaka
To bring chosen persons 
To be pioneers of the Bio Gold Tonics

Even as Sikhs in India drink from
Their Gurudwara pools of sacred water
And assume it is AMRIT

But Book of John clearly says
That Light is Life
And Life is with the Son of God
And who are NOT with the Son of God
Do not have Life

And Bio Gold Tonics are linked to Life!

The Akal Purush is in Me
I am the King on Akal Takhta
M M Singh is Judas
And Indian Akal Takhta does not care
To check him at all

I do not blame
But this is Ignorance + Vanity
Because these 12 were
Afterall disciples of Jesus the Narayana
Through who Allah spoke
In themselves they were not Masters
Nor can one become so till
Bread of Life comes from Heaven
However Guru Nanaka was aware of Allah
And said it is not easy to know Allah

That is all I say

Let every one note
That Cosmos is in motion
Evolution is not an option but necessity
Those who stagnate are actually degenerating
Because nothing remain same in moving Cosmos
Either evolve or degenerate
This is a Basic Cosmic Law
Not propounded by anyone so far
Sikhs are degenerating
Because that One Village stagnated in India
And is doing balle balle
And ma ki dal with UPA and NDA

Get off vanity 
And introspect?
Your Kara is from days of Moses
Who said so
You descend from Samson
Hence long hair

I told that my father accepted Sikh SIGNS
So I too am a Sikh
To fulfill the prophecies
But other Sikhs do not recognise me
And degenerate in their own limited knowledge circle

Rakab ganj Gurudwara in Delhi is doing research on Sikh Gurus
But what I tell is not yet known  to them
I do not know if they would accept this or not

In any case past research can at the most get you Noble Prize
And you can become Obama Bama ( He has WON ! - so what?)

What is needed
The Evolution
Not Vikas of material things
Like Judas M M Singh says
And others here as if M M Singh is Jesus

So who of you
Is sat Sri Akal?
And why?

Bye bye
The Revelation Book
Clearly indicates that Sikhs are degenerating
And their lamp stands shall be broken
Unless they INTROSPECT and....???

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