I was making new age Yoga site on Google-Hostgator domain biogoldtonics.in and GOI hackers were constantly harassing me - as if that way I would change The Judgment
I wrote to Hostgator support asking them to file complaint with the GOI on my behalf
Then wrote to the President direct
Following is a copy of 3 documents in one. First - informing to a few leading journalists of TOI including the MD Indu Jain, Second - reference number of President's Office reply, Third my letter - a few spelling mistakes of that are being corrected here
They are not letting me make My site for new age Yoga
Constantly hacking
What they want? I shall not change the Judgment - not that I can change
So I complained to the President of India - see and circulate
Unless you all are Impotent pet animals of Beast
Shame on You Indu Jain
You do not run a news paper but a BAKERY for your own Food nothing more
Your Request/Grievance has been registered vide Registration numberPRSEC/E/2012/18286 . Please quote the same in your future correspondance.
Mr President
I am new age apostle of God
With powers to forgive sins OR to pass Judgment
My ordeal started when HAL dismissed me without enquiry after I sent severe complaint of corruption to the Chairman
Since then all CORRUPT TOP PERSONS of India including your previous party and Judges and media have ignored me even while the evil spirits were using You the Humans to destroy me - I lost livelihood, property, kin
You know all this BUT prefer to be silent because you are Fake Bangali - you know not might of Kali YOU know not that I was Vivekananda who said at cape that he would do the job but got the divine answer that time will come after 100 years which is NOW - and I do that JOB
I was making site for new age yoga
Because if your corrupt government including your office does not settle my issue but issue statement that Judiciary is Good but this and that ...and I make site to start my Yoga and get some donations - YOUR CORRUPT GOVERNMENT is constantly hacking my site...shame on you and your BEAST 666 government...you are a religion less coward and heading to perdition by suggestion of Allah which I have written on my blog www.21december12.blogstop.in
I do not expect any thing from BEASTS like you
Only Informing - showing you your filthy mirror
Do not give useless reply - I do not have money to pay for bus fare or to write petitions or to go to the court - I do what Para Brahm informs me
I am keeping a copy of this letter and circulating to some media friends - that they may keep records of history
Bye bye
You man of Shame
Shame of Indian History